Supporting Young People
Young people are at the very heart of what we do. By engaging young people in our sessions, we are passionate about providing them with the chance to prove their full potential. We encourage them to have a voice, giving them access to local decision makers. We support them to find solutions to issues that affect them and their families. Giving young people the chance to get involved in positive social action. Building their confidence and resilience, providing them with a wealth of evidence to show potential employers a sense of responsibility. But also showing the wider community that young people do have a sense of community and we should be proud of them.
Our Activities
Supporting you people to build aspiration  and achieve.
Wiggle and Giggle
This session is specially developed for under 5s it uses music and dance to develop language and communication in children, it builds bonds between child and carer, helping with social interactions and expression. Its a fast paced fun environment that allows children to flourish!
Tracker Squad
Tracker Squad is our youth development session , we focus on supporting young people navigate through their own issues alongside issues in the community. We provide training and mentoring and sessions include diet ,nutrition, life skills. Plus planned session and actives influenced by those who attend .
Music Group
A true test of youth engagement is how are you providing for the hard to reach young people in the area. Young people who are now facing adulthood having been excluded from education, and years of reduced outreach capacity. A forgotten generation suspicious of agencies and reliant on each other to act as a ready-made family. By listening to this group, we set up a music session specifically for this group. Through music they have been able to express themselves, think about self and community and have been helped to make changes. This session has provided a sense of ownership and belonging.